
Art Yoga Centar

Većina ljudi želi isto. Fizičko i mentalno zdravlje, razumevanje i mudrost, mir i slobodu. Joga je osmišljena da zadovolji ove ljudske težnje na sveobuhvatan način. Upućuje nas na jedinstvo sa nama samima i svim onim što je izvan nas.


We, humans, are wonderful beings and our body contains countless secrets. Secrets are waiting to be revealed.

The fact that our life is limited encourages us to get to know the creative power and infinity of our being, that is, to discover the greatest secret - ourselves.

Who I am? Different paths lead to recognition. One of the ways, yoga, teaches us the physical strength and leads to the lasting harmony of the body and the psyche. The art of acquiring and maintaining health, and indeed, the practical introduction of our body is the first step on this path. The next step gives us the opportunity to direct our consciousness to the smallest body particles. We discover the hidden strength in ourselves. The return to the natural way of life and to the intuition that points a human being to its essence is what the art and science called yoga teaches us.

Pranajama, umetnost disanja u jogi, vodi nas ka ovladavanju sopstvenim emocijama što nam zauzvrat daje stabilnost, koncentraciju i mentalnu uravnoteženost. Jogičko disanje pomaže nam da iskoračimo iz domena čisto fizičkog razvoja ka duhovnom spoznanju.

Naučimo kako da koristimo pranajamu ne bi li smo očuvali zdravlje i balans i umirili um, otvarajući se tako za duhovni uvid. Prepoznajmo uobičajene obrasce u disanju, upoznajmo se sa uvodnim vežbama disanja koje nas pripremaju za složenije disajne tehnike u jogi, sagledajmo terapeutske efekte i nuspojave tehnika pranajame.

